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Phase VI - Spring 2022 Covid-19 Guidelines

Overview – In view of the significant decline in new reported cases of COVID-19 and hospitalizations in Northeast Ohio, and widespread easing of COVID-19 restrictions, CRF is pleased to announce resumption of essentially all normal (i.e., pre-COVID) boathouse and rowing activities for fully vaccinated individuals, without restriction or limitation, effective February 23, 2022. However, individuals who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to continue to practice current safety protocols of wearing a mask in and around the boathouse, and to practice social distancing, although this is primarily for their own safety and those around them who are not fully vaccinated. It is anticipated, and appropriate, for fully vaccinated individuals who have underlying health conditions which might reduce their immune system functioning to choose to continue to wear a mask and socially distance, as well as others who feel more comfortable and/or safer doing so. Environmental precautions, such as frequent handwashing/use of hand sanitizer and regular boathouse/equipment disinfecting will continue. It is important to realize that there is no guarantee of not contracting COVID-19, even if fully vaccinated/boosted. Individuals should still use their own judgment regarding their own health and safety. It should be noted that ongoing monitoring of COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations is necessary given the penchant for continuing mutations of COVID-19, and may necessitate reinstating further restrictions in the future. CRF will continue to monitor CDC and State communications in this regard, and will promptly communicate any such changes impacting boathouse and rowing operations. Guidelines for a return to normalized rowing:

  • All rowers and coaches will continue to be instructed to not come to the boathouse if they have any COVID symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath), until asymptomatic for at least 24 hours. All rowers and coaches will perform a symptom check prior to coming to the boathouse.

  • Fully vaccinated rowers and coaches (defined as > 2 weeks after receiving their 2nd dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or > 2 weeks after receiving a dose of the J&J vaccine, preferably also after receiving a booster dose) no longer need to wear a mask or practice social distancing in and around the boathouse, including team meetings, erg/exercise equipment workouts, and use of the bathrooms and locker rooms. However, voluntary continuing use of masks and social distancing for those individuals with compromised immune systems, or those who feel safer/more comfortable doing so is considered appropriate and is supported.

  • Fully vaccinated rowers and coaches do not need to report an exposure to individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, do not need to get tested, or to self-quarantine, as long as they are asymptomatic. If symptomatic, they must self-quarantine for at least 10 days and be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning to the boathouse.

  • All non-vaccinated individuals are asked to continue to wear a mask while in and around the boathouse, although this is primarily for their own protection. These individuals are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated promptly, for the safety of all.

  • All non-vaccinated individuals are still required to report to their Member Organization Head Coach and Kerry Watterson, CRF Safety Committee Chair, at, if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. Close contact is defined as being less than six feet apart for a total of 15 minutes or more, providing care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19, having direct physical contact with the person, sharing eating or drinking utensils, or being sneezed or coughed on. Non-vaccinated individuals in this situation must self-quarantine for 10 days and be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning to the boathouse.

  • Contact tracing is not required.

  • All equipment (shoes/seats of boats, oar handles, ergs, exercise equipment, mats, etc.) must be sanitized after every use using disinfectant provided by CRF.

  • Coaches will be responsible for wiping down/sterilizing their launch and the shared equipment in it, such as a first aid kit, when done with each practice.

  • Showers must be disinfected after each use, using disinfectant provided by CRF.

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