Dear Cleveland Rowing Foundation Member Organizations and Rowing Community,
The health and safety of our staff, volunteers, rowing community and guests is our number one priority, and it is in this spirit that we share with you this updated message.
On Thursday, April 2, 2020, the Director of Ohio Department of Health issued an Amended Stay at Home Order. The Amended Order contains all of the travel restrictions, stay-at-home orders, closure requirements, prohibited activities, social-distancing requirements and exceptions for "Essential Travel" and "Essential Businesses and Operations" in the original Order, with additional requirements. The new provisions of the Amended Order will go into effect tomorrow, Tuesday, April 7, 2020, and will continue through Friday, May 1, 2020 unless terminated earlier by the Director of Heath.
Therefore, CRF will continue to remain closed to all individuals and programs until Friday, May 1st. During this time all activities (e.g., erging sessions, maintenance days, and meetings) are cancelled, with NO access to the Boathouse permitted.
CRF has taken every precaution possible to protect our staff, volunteers, rowers and guests. During this closure, CRF has performed a deep clean of the entire facility, including ergs, locker and shower facility, bays, and high traffic areas throughout the boathouse.
In line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ohio Department of Public Health, and the World Health Organization, CRF will implement new cleaning policies and preventative measures upon your return, including:
• New signage posted around the boathouse regarding best hygienic practices
• Increased cleaning supply availability in high traffic areas; i.e. erg and weight room
• Disinfectant sprays and wipes placed throughout the boathouse for convenience to clean chairs, door handles, and other surfaces
•New signage on how best to properly clean and sanitize rowing equipment
As anxious as I know we all are to return to the water and start rowing again, we cannot lose sight of the current health crisis and the role we all have to play in helping to flatten the curve within our communities. A very special THANK YOU to all the many doctors, nurses, health care professionals, and first responders within our vast rowing community helping to squash this pandemic.
Stay safe, healthy, and engaged!
Kind regards,
Kirk Lang
CRF Executive Director
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